Perfect for the end of a workout or on its own when you’re short on time!
What can you do in ten minutes? Well, that’s about 1/2 an episode of your favorite sitcom. You could probably go to the kitchen and rummage around for something to eat. That might even be as much time as you sit and check out what all your friends are up to on Facebook. OR you can use those ten minutes to carve out an amazing, flat stomach with this amazing ab workout! I did this one two days ago and am still feeling it today! Excited? Yeah – I though you might be. Here we go!
Start off by waking up the lower abs. Lay on your back with your back flat to the floor and stomach tight. Keep your legs straight and kick as if in swimming.
30 seconds
Crunch with Legs Elevated
Don’t let your feet down between these exercises! Keep your legs extended and hovering about 6 inches off the floor. Reach towards the ceiling and lift your shoulders off the floor in a crunch. Repeat.
30 seconds
Scissor Kicks
Just when you thought the lower abs were done! Back flat, stomach tight, now we’re kicking in and out in a scissor motion.
30 seconds
3-Count Sit-Ups
Focusing on the negative work done during the sit-up. Perform a sit-up as fast as you can (1-second or less to come up) and then SLOWLY lower yourself back to the starting position (3-second count or more).
30 seconds
Spiderman Plank
Get in a low-plank position. Bring your left knee out to the side and up towards your left elbow. Return to starting position and repeat with your right knee towards your right elbow.
30 seconds
Well, I’m not a complete sadist. But you only get 30 seconds. 🙂
Repeat this series 3 times… AND THEN
Just because I love you – AND to completely tap out the midsection.
90 seconds – that’s right – 90.
Congratulations!! You totally nailed it!!
Looking for more incredible ab workouts? I’ve got you covered:
Questions or comments? Leave a comment below or email Jared at [email protected]
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand