Take your results beyond planks and sit ups!
Many people don’t realize it, but workout benches can be used for so much more than just laying/sitting on to lift weights!
Some of my all-time favorite ab exercises are actually done on a bench; and today I’m sharing them with you as part of our “What I Worked Wednesday” series!
Try this incredible 15-minute ab routine at the end of your next gym workout and think of me for 2 days every time you cough, sneeze, or laugh!
You know it’s all out of love that I do this, right?!
The thing I love about this workout is you can control the intensity depending on the angle of your bench.
Start out with a flat bench (parallel to the floor) and progress with declining the bench as you get stronger.
My incline/decline bench is one of my most valuable pieces of at-home gym equipment. The thing is it was shockingly affordable! It’s a screaming deal on Amazon.com for less than $100 bucks! GET YOURS HERE!
The Workout
Bent Leg Raises (Reverse Crunch)
Lay on your back and pull your knees up towards your chest.
The rep only counts if you get your butt up off the bench!
Focus should be on the lower abdominals.
10 reps
Straight Leg Raises
Similar to Bent Leg Raises, but now we’re going to keep the knees locked out throughout the lift.
Lay on your back and bring your feet up towards the ceiling.
Again, try to get your butt up off the bench to complete a rep!
Focus is still lower abs.
10 reps
Hip Lift
Lay on your back and bring your feet up towards the ceiling.
Keep your knees straight and use your abs to lift your butt off the bench and push your feet towards the ceiling.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Focus here is on the middle and lower abs.
10 reps
Seated Ab Crunch
Sitting on a flat bench, lean back and raise your feet up off the floor.
Use your abs to pull your knees towards your shoulders and your shoulders towards your knees (both upper and lower body moving).
Slowly return to starting position.
Focus is on the middle abs.
10 reps
Finish ’em off with some good ‘ol sit-ups!
Again, declining a bench is going to make you work a lot harder!
Focus with this one is on the upper abs.
10 reps
Pretty gnarly, huh?? Well, I’ve got great news… you’re 1/3 of the way done!!!
Repeat 3 times!!!
Show some Pinterest love if your abs are on fire!
Looking for more great abdominal workouts? CLICK HERE FOR OVER 25 FREE AB WORKOUTS from Tone-and-Tighten.com
Questions or comments about this workout? I love hearing from my readers!! Leave a comment below or email me at [email protected]
Make it happen,