Some of these you may have heard before; some you may even do on a regular basis. The important thing is quantity and consistency!! Have fun!
1. Go for a walk on your lunch break
2. Go for a bike ride
3. Park further away from the store so you have to walk more
4. Take the stairs
5. Go jogging
6. Play with your kids at the park
7. Do a 10 minute workout during your favorite sitcom
8. Walk the dog, don’t just watch the dog walk
9. Do seated crunches at every red light
10. Kick a soccer ball with the kids after dinner
11. Stand up and do 10 squats every hour while at work
12. Walk the stairs on your lunch hour
13. Do 50 jumping jacks
14. Do a workout video (here are a few of my favorites)
15. Go bowling
16. Go up and down the stairs at every commercial break
17. Do 20 push-ups
18. Go rollerblading/skating
19. Go swimming
20. Go on a hike
21. Do some yardwork
22. Go to the beach
23. Do 10 calf raises on every curb/sidewalk you have to step onto/over
24. Use a different bathroom in your building (bonus if it’s on another floor)
25. Yoga
26. Play with your kids at the playground
27. Mow the lawn
28. Clean your house
29. Wash your car by hand
30. Dance!
31. Jump on a trampoline
32. Go golfing
33. Shoot some hoops (basketball)
34. Go ice skating
35. Play actively with your pet
36. Home repair (I just fixed my leaky tub!)
37. Plant a garden
38. Start a morning walk group
39. Get off the bus/train one stop early and walk to your destination
40. Play tennis
41. Walk around while on a phone call
42. Go to the farmer’s market (more walking than grocery store)
43. Go shopping (hope my wife doesn’t see this one!)
44. Schedule fitness time and put it on your calendar
45. Family picnic and take a soccer ball, football, frisbee, etc
46. Stand up/pace during phone calls
47. Play tag
48. Replace coffee break with 10-minute walk
49. Squat, don’t bend, when cleaning up
50. Most importantly: HAVE FUN!

By Jared Beckstrand
Have a great day!