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It was one of those moments that I will never forget.
One year later, I vividly remember exactly where I was and exactly what I was doing when I first heard the news about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. I remember first hearing the news report with its accompanying feelings of amazement, terror, and tragedy. I remember sitting intently in front of the television watching as more and more details unfolded. As the number of those deceased or injured continued to climb my thoughts turned to those of my friends who were participating in the race that year (I would find out later that they were all unhurt – I was one of the lucky ones). In the days and weeks that transpired I remember feeling many emotions – sadness, grief, anger, disbelief, and especially heartache. However as I reflect on one year ago and all the emotions I felt there is one that stands out preeminently above all others. The feeling of
I saw strong runners courageously leave their dream of completing the Boston Marathon to help those who had been injured in the devastating blast. I saw strong paramedics and law enforcement officers attempting to organize chaos and help those in need. I saw strong spectators taking strangers in their arms and offering whatever assistance they were capable of. Right along with my feelings of despair, anger, and grief were overpowering feelings of unity, courage, and hope. The true test of the human spirit comes only in great trial; I’m at a literal loss for words when it comes to describing how the Boston Strong not only passed this test – they obliterated it.
So as tomorrow brings the 114th annual running of the Boston Marathon, I wish all of you participating nothing but the best of luck. May your feet be quick, your lungs be powerful, and may you run feeling the overwhelming support of the millions of people who are right there with you.
If the goal of those heartless terrorists was to bring down the human spirit, they definitely picked the wrong group to mess with.
Make it happen,

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Have a great day!