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Let’s face it – if you’ve ever been active you’ve probably been sore.
Whether it was running, weight lifting, walking, hiking, or just trying to keep up with the kiddos – chances are you’ve done something active and felt some muscle soreness the next day.
Now – don’t get me wrong – that’s a great thing! Your muscles need to be stressed to heal and repair and grow. Problems arise when we do it too much or don’t give them adequate recovery time.
Today I wanted to share with you 6 of my favorite lower body exercises you can do on a foam roller to stay healthy, mobile, and active!

Push play on the video below to see my 6 most-recommended exercises on a foam roller! For each exercise spend 1-2 minutes rolling out the area being treated.
1. Anterior shins – awesome for shin splints. Different variations can work your muscles with different intensities (one or two legs)
2. Calves – great for muscle tears, calf cramping, and even Achilles tendinitis.
3. Quads – muscle soreness after leg day? Try rolling out your quads! Try the one and two-legged variations.
4. IT Band / Lateral leg – great for IT band syndrome, lateral knee pain, and even hip bursitis.
5. Hamstrings – great for hamstring strains and tendinitis; try all three variations to see which one works best for you!
6. Groin / Adductor group – perfect for groin strains / tightness and opening up the hips (important for squatting/leg day)
Want to get in better shape but aren’t too sure where to start?
I’ve got your solution!
Our “Back To Basics” ebook is a 6-week workout plan designed specifically for beginners to help you burn calories, lose weight, and tone muscle – all from the comfort of your own home! There’s no equipment required, each workout is completely unique, and best of all – there’s video instruction for every single workout. You can’t go wrong! CLICK HERE to learn more about “Back To Basics“
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