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You don’t have to go fast.
Oftentimes in the fitness world our perception of what’ acceptable is clouded by an “all-or-nothing” mentality. All too often we operate under the misconception of “if I’m not going all the way I shouldn’t even bother”. “I don’t have an hour and a half to workout today”, “I don’t have time to pack a lunch so I’ll eat out 3 times today” and “I’m not as [fast, strong, good, etc] as ____ so I just won’t bother” are among my favorite excuses I hear from people. Oftentimes these excuses give rise to increased levels of inactivity and unhealthy behavior.
So how do you break out of this cycle? What can you do now to make sure that you don’t fall into the “all or nothing” frame of mind? First and foremost, remember this simple principle…
You don’t have to go fast. You just have to go.
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Fitness IS NOT an all-or nothing principle! There is no such thing as “go big or don’t go”! Quite the contrary, really. Fitness is an accumulation of small, everyday tasks done right. It’s walking instead of driving. It’s a 20-minute workout instead of a 20-minute sitcom. It’s choosing the salad at the fast-food place instead of the hamburger. You don’t have to go all the way. You don’t have to go hard, or big, or fast, or strong. In the world of personal fitness, the only thing that matters is that YOU GO!! So get up and move today. Your tomorrow self will thank you for it!!
Looking for more great fitness motivation? Here are some of my favorites:
Make it happen,

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Have a great day!