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The only thing that really changes is you.
Let’s face it, change is hard! Most of the time change requires leaving what we’re comfortable with, accustomed to, and otherwise totally complacent with and replacing it with the unknown, the unexplored, and the (oftentimes) uncomfortable. It’s stepping into the dark and just praying that there’s some sort of ground underneath us. In the world of fitness, this change can take on many forms. From leaving the couch and lacing up the walking shoes to pushing you 45 minute workout into 60; change is hard no matter what level you’re on.
So why do we do it?
Because there will always be something better.
The first couple of times are going to be difficult. Be it starting a new workout plan or progressing your current plan to the next level there’s going to be some novelty, frustration, and probably even discomfort. If you can just remember this one principle:
It never gets any easier, you just get better.
The change that takes place is YOU!!! Lifting 100 pounds will always be 100 pounds – that’s a given, stone-hard fact. However with time, effort, and energy that weight doesn’t feel nearly as difficult to lift the first time. When running a mile or walking a mile the distance will never change; and yet with consistent effort those distances get easier and no longer is completing that task as difficult. Again, absolutely nothing has changed about the environment to make that task any easier; what has changed is YOU and YOUR ABILITY to complete that task. This change is what drives us and motivates us and inspires us to be different. Remember
Trying something new = Change = Results = Satisfaction = Determination = Trying something new (return to beginning)
Get out and get yours! Make the changes now to see the results in your future. If you don’t start now it won’t be any easier tomorrow, but think of what could be if you start today.
Check out these other great “Fitness Motivation” posts:
Question? Comment? Suggestion? I would love to hear it at ToneandTighten [email protected]
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
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Have a great day!