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Where are your priorities?
Let’s face it, personal health isn’t always the easiest to keep up on. Between the time commitment, the soreness, the traveling (if applicable), eating right/preparing healthy meals, and monitoring everything from calories in to energy out – staying healthy can become a full-time job in and of itself! However, who among us worries about their fitness level and ONLY their fitness level. Throw in a job, school, a family, recreation, pets, etc, etc and all of the sudden the only thing you have left for is sleep (and if you’re anything like me those 6 hours are NEVER enough!)! This was the thought that leads me to this week’s motivational post – whatever isn’t truly important to you is going to take a backseat to the things that are.
If you’re motivated and truly dedicated – I mean the kind of dedication that can drag your butt out of bed 30 minutes earlier, get you through the gym door after a long day at work, and push you into the kitchen to cook rather than into your car to hit the drive-through, then I promise you that you will see success. You will achieve your goal; be it slim down, tighten up, or just make it on a walk around the block without losing your breath it is attainable if you allow it to be! Your thoughts and beliefs determine your priorities. Your priorities govern your schedule and therefore dictate your life and determine who you ultimately become. Always remember to make yourself a priority; stop making excuses and start making it happen!
Is time your excuse? Check out our “Quick Workouts” – all of them are under 30 minutes!
Is experience your excuse? Got you covered with our “Beginner Workout” series.
Is it the gym membership? You don’t need one to get fit! Check out all these awesome “At Home Workouts“!
I guess that just leaves eating healthy – you know I’ve got that covered! Check out our “Healthy Recipes“!
Question or comment? Leave it below or email Jared at [email protected]!
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to
Have a great day!