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Only by pushing our limits can we realize our true potential.
What is your comfort zone? There exists a rather wide variety of what people would consider a “comfort zone”. For some it may be relaxing on the couch watching TV. This is the comfort zone that the majority of us think about abandoning when considering our personal fitness. But what about those of us who regularly get into our “fitness comfort zone”? Tell me – does this sound familiar:
“Monday is legs day. I am going to the gym and I will run on the treadmill for 10 minutes. After that I am going to do these five leg exercises and then go home. Tuesday is armed day. I am going to the gym and I will run on the treadmill for 10 minutes. After that I am going to do these five arm exercises and then go home…”
I think that sometimes we fool ourselves into believing that we are maximizing our potential by going through the motions. We feel that because we exercise three, four, five days a week that we are giving our very best. Well what happens when this becomes our “fitness comfort zone” and simply showing up no longer becomes our very best?
Well consider this your call to action! If you’re not seeing the results that you desire, have the courage to do things differently! If your fitness results have plateaued, get out of your fitness comfort zone and strive to push yourself again! Remember – the power to change lies within you! Push your limits to push your results and leave your comfort zone behind!
Inspired? Great! Here are some wonderful tips on how to take your results to the next level:
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Make it happen,

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Have a great day!