The grinding, the pain, the soreness, the rigor. Is it all really worth it?
Being healthy isn’t easy. Think about it – you wake up early before anyone else to go to the gym. At the gym you push, pull, lift, and carry beyond what you thought you were physically capable of, only to come home and adhere to a strict diet of protein, carbohydrates, and minimal fats and sugars. Let’s be honest – fitness definitely isn’t easy street. It requires hard work, dedication, and doing things above and beyond what “normal” people do. Putting things into this perspective, one can’t help but ask…
“Is it worth it?”
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To all of you who have ever had this thought, my answer is…
You’re damn right it’s worth it.
I say that with unparalleled confidence because everyday I treat the alternative. 70% of my patient load would probably not be in pain and enjoy a much higher quality of life if they would only take part in some sort of regular physical activity. Think about it – 70% (may be even higher!)! Strong joints don’t hurt as badly. A flexible spine with the right amount of strength and stability is incredibly more functional. Those who take part in regular walking activities aren’t as deconditioned or get winded as easily. The bottom line is that those who participate in regular physical activity will be able to do a lot of things that others can’t for a lot longer throughout their lifespan. So dare to be different. Dare to take a chance. Dare to be better than average and try to do things today that others won’t. That way, next week, or next month, or even next year, you can enjoy doing a lot of things that other people can’t.
Looking for more great fitness motivation? I’ve got an entire series! Click here to get motivated!
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Make it happen,