Crossfit is a great way to get in shape and see results quickly, as long as you do it carefully. Some people jump into these advanced level workouts without any conditioning before, causing injuries and strains. These workouts can also be expensive, many gyms offer them at an extra cost to the membership you already pay for.
At Home Crossfit Workout
Equipment Needed:
box for jumping (or you can use the bottom stair of a flight of stairs)
a mat or towel (unless you are on a carpeted surface)
The moves that you will be doing today are as follows:
Just your ol’ school sit ups. Pretend that you have an orange tucked under your chin- you don’t want to touch your chin to your chest and cause neck injury. Suck your belly button into your spine, keep your abs tight, and crunch away- all the way up and all the way down! If you are on a hard floor, do these on a mat or a towel.
-Box Jumps:
The name says it all! Jump onto a box. Of course, not everyone has a box, so I like to use the bottom stair on a flight of stairs. If jumping is too intense for you, just walk up and down the stair.
-Chair Squats:
They are just like they sound- using a chair, go down into a deep squat. Right before your bum touches the chair, stand up again. It should be a deep squat that feel natural (everyone sits down and stands up- just not this many times in a row!). 🙂

Have a great day!
You’re killing me Jared, but I have to get back into the swings of things. Was out of it for about a month, but now I’m back and ready!
DELMA!! What up, girl?!! Welcome back! Been missing you lately but stoked to have you back on board! Hope all is well and you’re ready to crush it again!