1/2 a block, 1/2 a mile, or 1/2 a marathon – all are steps in the right direction.
Hey everyone! So I’ve received quite a few emails from readers lately explaining how badly they want to start working out but they have no idea about where to start. They’re trying to find that perfect exercise or that perfect workout that is going to be the catalyst to an entire life change for them. To these readers I say first of all – GOOD FOR YOU!!! I LOVE getting these emails from people expressing desires to live healthy and change their lives for the better. However I’m going to frustrate a lot of you right now with this one sentence (I apologize in advance)… I (or any other blog/fitness website that you go to) cannot give you the perfect workout. No matter how hard I try I can never design the perfect workout for you. Now granted I work really hard and I feel like I do have a lot of really good content here on Tone and Tighten, but the answer you’re looking for very well may not exist on this website. Luckily for you… I have the solution. I have the key to all your workout problems and I’ll share it with you in the next paragraph…
The absolute best, most amazing, incredible, awesome workout you can ever possibly participate in…
That’s it!! It’s that simple!! If you love to workout at home in your basement before your kids wake up DO THAT. If you hate working out at home but love cycling outside DO THAT! If the thought of the bike makes your tail end hurt just thinking about it but you love going for walks at night then please DO THAT!! Exercise is not a one-size-fits-all model. What works for one person will not work for another and you should never feel bad about not liking a certain activity. That’s what makes you individual and unique and that’s also why there are so many different forms of exercising exist. The important thing to remember is that it doesn’t matter what you do. It doesn’t matter how far you go. It doesn’t matter how fast or how long or even how hard. The key is that you GO!! If and when you find what you love you will stick with it and you will see results. You have my guarantee and I encourage you to put it to the test. Now get up and go!
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Looking for more great Fitness Motivation?
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!