Here a tweet, there a tweet – tips, tricks, and workouts from T&T right here on Twitter!
“I wish I had a body like hers.”
“I wish I could lift as much as him.”
“He/she makes that look so easy.”
We all have heroes in our lives. People that we look up to and try to emulate in one way or another. There are many roles in which we look up to others. We look to some to be a better husband/wife, others to be a better friend, maybe a better mother/father, and even a better neighbor. If you’re anything like me you find this to be true in the world of fitness as well. There will always be fitter, bigger, more toned, and in better shape, It is so easy to get caught up in the comparison game – I’m not as big as him or she looks better than me. While that is most likely true for the majority of us, I believe it’s important to remember one thing when we are thinking of these people we look up to…
Amazing doesn’t just happen.
Amazing does not happen overnight. It doesn’t happen with one week of a good diet or one trip to the weight room. Amazing doesn’t even happen with good genetics. It takes hard work, determination, dedication, and sacrifice. To be extraordinary, one has to be willing to do that which ordinary people don’t. These people you see in fitness magazines or that are in especially good shape at the gym all had to start somewhere; most likely at the same place you and I are right now. The difference between the magazine cover and finding yourself in the exact same spot you are now lies in what you are willing to do today. So make today worth it! Take a step closer to achieving your goal! Make today extraordinary so that tomorrow you, too, will be one step closer to AMAZING.
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand