Find a running partner: You will be more successful in sticking to a regular running program if you run with someone rather than running alone. Runs are always more entertaining with a partner – you get to push each other to realize your goals! The biggest benefit, though, is that a partner will heighten your commitment. The snooze button becomes much less of a force when you’ve got someone that you know is depending on you.
Sign up for a race: According to my go-to source for races in Utah, there are already TONS races listed between now and then end of the year (I’m sure your state/country/province/territory/settlement/township, etc has a similar website)! Signing up for a race is great way to heighten your commitment and increase your dedication. All of the sudden there’s a little pressure! Signing up for a race is the quickest way to go from lackadaisical “if-I-get-around-to-it” running to setting apart time and dedication to a serious training schedule. Signing up for a race is a great way to get into a schedule with a goal in sight.
Start a running program: The most common problem I see among new runners is inexperience in proper run progression. Many people attempt to progress to quickly; they run too far too fast and end up getting hurt. The quickest way to sideline your running goal is with an injury, be it overuse, improper technique, etc. It’s for this reason that I have come up with a program to guide you in your running progression and ultimately fulfill your goals. In our “Start to Finish” program we take you from no running at all to successfully completing a 5K race in 9 weeks. I don’t want to give too much away, but the key is including 9 weeks of strengthening progression to key muscles in your core and lower legs to help you run 5 kilometers successfully. Interested? I thought you might be! Click here for Tone and Tighten’s “Start to Finish 5k” program!
Strength Training: A vital yet often overlooked part to any running program is strength training. Running is hard! Running requires a lot of strength! Most people who come in to my clinic with a running injury have one thing in common… leg weakness (particularly in the hips). Lack of strength and stability due to muscle weakness results in improper running mechanics and altered stresses on joints. Over time these stresses can lead to irritation, inflammation, pain, and eventually injury. So what’s the solution? If an injury is the quickest way to sideline your running goal then strength training is the quickest way to avoid injury. Unique to the “Start to Finish” program is a detailed strengthening progression during your running experience. I’ve included 9 weeks of strength training to key muscles in you legs, hips, and core to make sure you keep running stronger, longer, and injury free! Again – check out the “Start to Finish 5k” program right here!
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