Hey everyone! And welcome back!! Hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday as much as I did; there will never be anything like living it through the eyes of my children. I’ve loved having a few days to be at home; unfortunately that’s also where all of our treats hang out! The workout today is dedicated to just that – treats. I’m doing this one for the fudge, sugar cookies, and white-chocolate-dipped pretzels that seem to be spontaneously regenerating in our home. Back in the saddle this morning; what better way to do it than with a fat melting workout?!!
Lunge Walks
Get the heart pumping with some lunges around your room
Alternating legs; 1 minute
Spiderman Plank
I love planks; add a whole new element with bringing your knee up to your elbow
Alternating legs; 10 touches on each side
Jumping Jacks
Jump it out
1 minute
Mountain Climbers
Great for the arms + shoulders as well as the abs +hips
1 minute
Jump Squats
I love squats; make the home version a lot more intense by doing the jumping variety
1 minute
Push Ups
Get back to that plank only now you’re also moving up and down. My favorite at-home exercise
1 set of 10
Made it this far? GREAT!
Now do it again – and again! 3 sets total of each exercise.
Make it happen,

To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!
Hi, I’m visiting from Best of the Weekend. You are the link before mine, and how appropriate that it should be about burning off holiday calories! Oh yes, I need to do that! Happy New Year!
Great to have you aboard! Hope you find the site useful and insightful. Heading over to check out Ms Toody Goo Shoes (clever!) tonight!
Thanks again!
This inspires me to ring in 2014 by getting in shape even further. Thanks for linking up to Best of the Weekend. So glad you could join us!! Nichi -The Mandatory Mooch
Glad we could link up earlier this month! Hope you find the site useful in helping you towards your fitness goals!