5. Cat camel: Another common exercise in my PT clinic
for increasing overall spine mobility. Get down on all fours starting with your spine in a neutral position. Tuck your chin into your chest and arch your back up toward the ceiling (this is the “angry cat” part of this pose). Next keep your elbows extended while dropping your chest/stomach down towards the floor and looking up straight ahead (this is the “camel” part of the pose”.6. Bridge: I typically go to a bridge exercise in sets and reps for back and butt strengthening. However- the longer you hold it the more fatiguing it becomes. Lay on your back with your knees bent. Use your butt and back to push your hips towards the ceiling and hold. Your glutes should be contracted to hold your hips up off the ground.
7. Seated twist: A personal favorite of mine that I’m sure to do on the first tee block before teeing off. Sit on the ground with your legs out straight. Bend your left leg and put your left foot on the outside of your right knee. Rotate your trunk and put your right elbow to the outside of your left knee and push gently until you get a good stretch throughout your spine.
8. Wide legged standing forward bend: Great way to work on your hamstring flexibility. Stand with your feet a little wider than your hips. Keep your legs straight and bend forward at your hips, reaching towards the ground until a stretch is felt in the back of your legs.
9. Plank pose: Probably my favorite core strengthening
exercise. Few exercises work all the muscles of your abdominal wall and core the way that a plank does. Lay down on your stomach with your elbows tucked under you. Now push up so just your toes and forearms are in contact with the floor. Keep your back straight and your stomach tight. 10. Thread the needle: Another common stretch seen in my clinic. A great pose to losen up the hips and back. Lay on your back with both knees bent. Cross your right ankle over your left knee. Grasp with both hands around your left hamstring and pull your left knee up towards your left shoulder until a comfortable stretch is felt in your right hip.
“Yoga Meltdown Workout”

By Jared Beckstrand
Have a great day!