Well it’s Monday again- do you dread Mondays or look at them as the start to a week of opportunity?
Today’s motivation comes from arguably the greatest boxer of all time, Muhammed Ali. Unfortunately I do have to admit I occasionally share in his same sentiment. Sometimes training is no fun. Sometimes I would rather sleep through my 5:45 alarm clock and get an extra 1-1.5 hours of sleep. I would rather have that piece of cake. I would rather order the double hamburger than the chicken sandwich. There are a lot of things that are, to put it simply, a lot easier than working out, eating right, and staying fitness-conscious.
So why do we do it?!
RESULTS! Plain and simply the answer is results. Now your results and my results are going to be a little different than Ali’s. He held the world heavyweight title 8 years in two different decades. But what’s your “title match”? I LOVE the way I feel after a workout. Energized, a little sore, refreshed, and ready to take on the world. When I eat healthy I FEEL healthy; gone is sluggish and half-asleep and replaced with sharp, clear-minded, and on top of things. Ali lived “the rest of [his] life like a champion”; that was the title that drove him. I want to live the rest of my life as a devoted husband, a loving father, a compassionate physical therapist, and a loving friend. Those are the “titles” that drive me. Sure the other way would be easier, but “suffering” a little now has sure brought me a lot closer to the “championships” I desire. So keep going. Keep pushing. Keep striving. Keep reaching. You can do it; I’m here to help. Enjoy your week!
Make it happen,
Leave me a comment! What “title” are you chasing? What’s your “championship”?

To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to www.tone-and-tighten.com.
Have a great day!