You fitness motivation this week comes from a little equation I’ve come to refer to as the “recipe for success”. I’ve tried this formula many times in my life for many things other than just fitness. Granted I don’t feel like there’s ever a perfect formula to guarantee success every single time, this one comes pretty… darned… close…
There are essentially two key elements in my secret to success – Determination and Hard Work. That’s it! Everything else you can think of are simply tangential to these two key elements.
Determination is the ability to keep your eye on the prize; to see the beginning from the end. It’s that thing in your head that makes you set your alarm 30 minutes earlier to squeeze in a workout. It’s the imaginary block as you reach for that delicious bag of Oreos and instead grab an apple. Without determination goals fade, performance suffers, and success cannot be reached.
Hard Work is just that… hard work. This is the factor that makes you sweat. This is the factor that convinces you that you can do one more rep. This is the engine that drives your machine closer to its goal. It’s the “I can” when everything else is screaming “I can’t”. Nothing in this life comes easy; working hard towards a goal is a reward in and of itself.
Determination without hard work doesn’t ever go anywhere. Hard work without determination is soon lost to the easier path. Determination + Hard Work is a pretty dang good recipe to help you realize your goals and make your dreams a reality.
Make it happen,
To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to
Have a great day!