It can come at you fast and it can come at you hard. On any given day our attention is pulled in so many different directions. Working, being a parent, being a spouse, cleaning, cooking, soccer practice, socializing, etc, etc, etc. Sometimes when we get caught up in all the different roles we portray there’s one role that’s easy to lose site of… ourselves.
So our “Fitness Motivation” for this week is a friendly reminder – it’s easy to make excuses; it’s infinitely more important to make time. One of my favorite stress relievers is going to the gym. I don’t know about you but sometimes you just gotta lift heavy things! Whatever your passion take time for yourself to do those things that you love. In all the hustle and bustle that we can get caught up in it’s important that you schedule time for yourself. Go on a run. Head to the gym. Do a 15-minute at-home workout while Jr is down for his nap. You will be healthier, more active, and more willing to take on whatever else the world has to throw at you. And when the world does throw more at you – SQUAT AGAIN.
Looking for more great motivation/inspiration? Here are a few of my favorites:
Can’t get enough fitness motivation? Me neither! Check out a whole lot of motivation posts right here.
As always comments and emails are more than welcome. Leave a comment below or email me at [email protected]
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
Have a great day!