In the world of fitness and exercise I think it’s easy to sidetracked. Diets are broken, exercise routines forgotten, and results seem to get more distant. The snooze button wins over lacing up to go run and exercise is usually the first thing cut from a busy schedule. So how do you avoid the disappointment of not finishing what you started? Well that’s easy… just don’t quit!!
Have the courage to finish what you start and the will to see it through to the end! I’m not saying the path will be an easy one. Sure there will be ups an downs and you may even have the occasional setback. But if you keep your eye on the goal and press forward with strength and conviction you are strong enough to make it all happen. Strength replaces weakness, power replaces doubt, and ultimately the joy of results replaces the agony of giving up. If you’re currently striving to meet a goal, keep going! If it’s a goal of yours to get healthier, start today! You can do it. I know you can.
Make it happen,
More great fitness motivation from

Have a great day!
Thanks for the motivation, Jared! You turned my mind right around about skipping my workout in the AM.
Awesome Holly! I’m totally stoked you decided to stick with it! My bed was pretty warm and cozy this morning, but I’m interpreting my sore arms after my workout as my body saying “thank you”! You rock!