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Tomorrow is Monday. Not just any Monday, though – it’s the first Monday of a new year. Diets, exercise routines, and weight loss contests will be in abundance and chances are you’ve been invited to join one or two of them already. This was the case a couple of years ago when my wife and I were invited to join an office weight loss contest. Honestly – I’ve never been a fan of these contests – they reward crash dieting, the results don’t last (because the methods are rarely sustainable), and personally I would love to put on about 5 more pounds. That’s when my wife and I got thinking – what if there were a challenge out there that rewarded healthy lifestyle behaviors more than weight loss. And thus was born’s “4-Week Get Fit Challenge”!! We’re actually starting a new round tomorrow – and would LOVE for you to join us…
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The “4-Week Get Fit Challenge” is different from other contests you may have entered. Instead of choosing winners based on weight loss or weight loss percentage, the contest is based on healthy lifestyle changes. You’re awarded points based on things like eating healthy, keeping a food journal, exercising, and making positive contact with others in the challenge. Crash dieting and extreme weight loss are not the ultimate goals, but rather the focus is on healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes that will ultimately lead to a healthier you.
So are you interested? My wife and I decided it would be fun to kick the year off with a little healthy competition (we’ve got dinner on the line – loser buys at the winner’s restaurant of choice!) and we want YOU to join us! Get as many of your friends in on it as you’d like and let’s kick off this New Year the right way! Here are the details…
This contest is completely FREE to everyone! No pot, no buy-in, no responsibility on your part. To make it interesting, however, I ( will sponsor a few prizes for the winners!
Simply download your FREE “4-Week Get Fit Challenge” by clicking on the graphic below…
Every Monday for the next 4 weeks my wife and I will post our points and our stats to Instagram (@tone_and_tighten) with the hashtag #TNTGFC (Tone and Tighten Get Fit Challenge). Then you can leave a comment in that IG post with your running point value. I will then post weekly updates of the top 10 competitors in the challenge so we all have an idea of where we stand. At the end of 4 weeks, we’ll see who racked up the most points to be crowned January’s “Get Fit Champion”!
My hope here is to present a comfortable challenge wherein you can start to make adjustments in your daily life to be a little healthier. I hope you’ll join me! It should be a lot of fun! It’s the first time I’ve ever presented this idea to this T&T group – if it goes really well then we’ll have to introduce more in the future!
I having trouble finding the meal plan and the workout routine. I would really like to start this challenge today so can you please reply soon. p.s. I love your web-site.
Hi Lillian! So with this challenge there is no meal plan or workout routine included. I do, however, have those things on my website! I recommend you visit the following pages to help you out…
Meal plans –
Workout routines –
Hope this helps! I’m excited to kick this challenge off!!