“What are the best stretches for my legs after I workout?”
A vital yet often-overlooked part of any workout are the cool -down and stretch phases. The cooldown brings your heart rate back down to an appropriate level safely while stretching helps to maintain good range of motion and decrease post -workout soreness. Oftentimes I have been asked “what are the best stretches to do after a workout?” My answer is “depends on what you worked that day”! For this reason today I am sharing a two-part stretching series. We will start with my top six stretches for your lower body here in part one; click here for part two including my top five stretches for your upper body. Prepare to get your limber on!
Hip flexor stretch
My personal favorite after long runs. Feel it in the front of your hip.
Quad stretch
You’ll love this one after leg day.
Hamstring stretch
Tight hammies actually account for more injuries than you would think. Keep them loose a couple different ways:
Calf stretch
Simple yet often-overlooked.
Piriformis stretch
Another personal favorite. Feel it deep in the butt.
Aductor/groin stretch
My loving nemesis – I’ve got some major tight adductors that always respond well to this one.
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Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand