Do you ever feel like sometimes you get stuck in a rut with your at-home exercises? Like you’ve done the same moves (or different variations thereof) over and over again and are ready for something more? If your answer is yes then 1) I totally hear you! and 2) look no further for a change! The following workout is comprised of my top six “secret” bodyweight exercises! I’ve got some new exercises as well as some new takes on old classics that are sure to generate some serious muscle confusion! Check them out and let me know what you think!
Single Leg Push Up
I love push-ups; try them with one leg straight and elevated for a whole new twist! Kick on a lot more hip and core as you try to prevent rotation and keep your torso straight.
6 push ups per leg elevated (12 push ups total)
Star/Clock Lunge
I love lunges but often get stuck with doing them in the same plane of motion (straight). Break out of it with some star (AKA clock) lunges
(12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 o’clock positions; these 7 lunges count as 1 rep. 3 reps per leg)
Windshield Wipers (abs)
Killer way to kick on anterior abdominals with your legs in the air; add the “wiper” part to nuke the obliques.
Left and right count as 1 “wiper”; 10 reps
Plank walk
Killer variation on a plank! Hold the plank position and “walk yourself” about ten feet (3 meters) to the right and then back again.
There and back counts as 1 rep. 5 reps.
Pistol Squats
Good ol’ single-leg squats. Can you do squats ’til the cows come home? Mix it up and make it killer by getting rid of half your support.
8-10 each leg
L Sits
ROCKS the core, shoulders and arms. If you have trouble getting your feet all the way up off the ground do it on the edge of a (very sturdy) chair first.
Hold 10 seconds twice.
I’ve got great news!!! You only have to do two more sets of everything I just mentioned!
3 sets of each exercise total! (I’m going for muscle memory here- just so you’ll never forget your new exercises!!) 🙂
Love at-home workouts? Try these 60!!
As always your comments and emails are welcome and appreciated.
Make it happen,

By Jared Beckstrand
Great work out!
Thanks, Cassie!