In the world of health and fitness, it seems like there’s always something to give up. You give up sleep to get to the gym; Give up dessert to save your calories; Give up sitting comfortably on the couch to get out and run; not being able to climb the stairs the day after a leg workout is giving up personal comfort.
So why do we do it?!
Because there’s something more. Because of that knowledge of what’s coming. We get up early, we watch what we eat, and spend less time on the couch for reasons more important to us… to have more energy through the day, to like what we see when we look in the mirror, and to give our children the assurance that we’re going to be around for a long time. When looked upon in that light, it’s no longer sacrifice… it’s an investment.
Make it happen,
What do you sacrifice to stay healthy and active?
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Have a great day!