My wife has always worked out; she likes to be active and it saves her from going insane after being with our kids all day.
However, she has been doing the same thing for years- 30 minutes on the elliptical and then a couple of crunches or pull ups.
So, when she came to me and asked me to help her lose those last 10 pounds after having a baby, we started analyzing her workouts and eating habits. Because she had been doing the same thing she had always done, she was staying at the exact weight she always had . . . it’s when you make that change that your body starts to respond.
So hopefully today’s motivation is to help you think about challenging yourself.
Challenge yourself to go a little further than you have gone before;
to eat a healthier than you ever have.
Even the smallest change will help show results.
So be sure to stop by tomorrow- I have a fun idea to help you challenge yourself!

To view the rest of this post, be sure to head over to
Have a great day!